Thursday, 26 March 2015

Inadequate Security : Negligent Security : Premises Liability : Fort Lauderdale

How Inadequate Security Affects Your Premises Liability Suit

The good news is that violent crime is trending downward in Fort Lauderdale and Broward County, but there are still hundreds of victims whose injuries could have been prevented had adequate security been in place. Florida law requires that property owners have a legal duty to protect persons, legally on their property, from foreseeable criminal attacks. If they don't they can become the defendant in a premises liability lawsuit.
It's a pretty straight forward concept. If you are a property owner and you invite people to visit, then you have a duty to protect those guests from a number of hazards one of which is assault. Inadequate security or negligent security applies when a property owner does not take adequate steps to protect guests from threats that he or she can foresee or should have foreseen.
What is Inadequate Security?
What those "steps" should be and how "adequate" they are is often determined in settlement negotiations or in court. There is no standard amount of security that applies for every type of business. Adequate security for a grocery store located in a neighborhood with a low crime rate, no history of incidents, and regular business hours may require less security than a grocery store located in a high crime area that is open 24 hours per day.
That said, every business has to take the safety of their guests seriously regardless of where they are located or what their history with crime is.
If you are a victim of assault, robbery, battery or rape while on private property and you decide to pursue a premises liability lawsuit, you want to be certain to engage an attorney that has the experience and investigative resources to best represent you.
If you have further questions regarding inadequate security, feel free to contact us at Martin, Lister and Alvarez. Read more:

Friday, 13 March 2015

Personal Injury Lawyer: Fort Lauderdale : Personal Injury Law Firm : Lawsuit

Understanding What to Do in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Everybody has a general idea of what the term "personal injury" refers to. You can't turn on the TV without see a Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer proclaiming he or she will "fight for you" but rarely will those ads describe just what you should do.

The Sooner You Engage a Proven and Experienced Personal Injury Attorney the Better
There are two types of injuries; those that are obvious at the time of the event and that need treatment and those that don't manifest themselves for days (concussions, blood clots etc.). Our advice is to err on the safe side and get checked out medically even if you believe you haven't been seriously hurt.
We also advise that you get as much documentation at the time of the accident as possible. Cell phone photos, names of witnesses may all prove invaluable to your case. Report the incident to the appropriate authorities or the representative of the property involved (premises liability).
Contact a personal liability law firm immediately for a case review.
If you are injured you will want to recover damages for medical costs, time off work, ongoing and future medical treatment and anxiety, your best bet to achieve this is to consult an experienced personal injury law firm like Martin, Lister & Alvarez, PLC. They can evaluate your case and advise you of the best course to take and give you an idea of what your case might be worth.
Personal injury cases can become very complicated. Work with a law firm that specializes in personal injury to level the judicial field. Read more: